Join the
Sandiṭṭhika Meditation Community
living in simplicity · growing in wisdom
Join Us
There are some ways that you can get involved in our growing community. Take a look at the of the options below, and if you would like to join us in a different way then be in touch.
Full Moon Gatherings with Beth Upton
Come and join in our full moon gatherings – a chance to deepen our connections with each other through group meditation and Dhamma discussion. Each month we will choose a different topic to explore.
For booking details please visit our event calendar.
Meditation and Q&A/interview session with Win Thu Wun
We’ll gather for a 45-minute silent meditation session, during which each of us will practice individually, virtually. Afterwards, we’ll transition into an open group Q&A/interview session, which will run for one hour. However, participants are free to leave before the Q&A session concludes if needed. At the end of each group interview, we’ll engage in a brief mettā session and share merits.
Ongoing students of Win or Beth can participate in meditation and seek guidance during the session. Newcomers are encouraged to reach out to Win to better understand you and your practice for better support before joining the Q&A session.
For booking details please visit our event calendar.
Online Sangha Support Groups
These groups are facilitated by fellow practitioners and offer a great opportunity to connect with one another. Please reach out to the organizers for information on how to join.
Mondays 8:30-9:30pm CET (7:30-8:30pm UK time), Sunny Sangha group sitting with Josipa Bicanic
In this weekly group we will be coming together to practice loving-kindness (metta) meditation. The group is facilitated by Josipa Bianca who is a dedicated meditator and a mum. You can join the group for free, and we use English as the main language.
Contact Josipa
Tuesdays 7-8pm EST (12am-1am UK time) Group sitting and inspirational reading together with Jonathan Crowley
In this biweekly group we will be coming together to spend half an hour in silent sitting, and half an hour reading together from topical, inspirational Dhamma books. The group is facilitated by Jonathan Crowley who is a long-term practitioner and Dhamma enthusiast. You can join the group for free, and we will use English as the main language.
Contact Jonathan
Tuesdays 7-8:30pm UYT (10-11:30pm UK time) Meditemos Uruguay Initiative with Ricardo Antúnez
In this weekly group we will be coming together for a Dhamma talk and group sitting. You are welcome to join us online or in person in Montevideo Uruguay. For more details see the in person group below. The group is facilitated by Ricardo Antúnez who is the founder and mentor at meditemos.uy. You can join the group for free, and we will use Spanish as the main language.
Contact Ricardo
Tuesdays 8-9pm CET (7-8pm UK time) Group sitting and Dhamma discussion for Czech and Slovak meditators with Tomas
In this weekly group we invite Czech and Slovak speakers to come together for Dhamma discussion and a group sitting. The group is facilitated by Tomas Kleman who is a dedicated meditator. The group is run by dana, and the main language is Slovak.
Contact Tomas
Wednesdays 11-12:30pm EST (4-5:30pm UK time), Parts Work with Laura Geller
In this weekly group we will be coming together to practice giving wise attention to the various parts of our psychology that can keep us stuck. The group is facilitated by Laura Geller who is a qualified IFS therapist and dedicated meditator. The group is run by dana, and participants are requested to commit to attending for six weeks. Next start date is July 2024.
Contact Laura
Thursdays 5- 6:30 pm PT (1-2:30am UK time) Sutta Contemplation together with Ayya Ahimsa
In this weekly group we will be coming together to spend one and a half hour contemplating on a sutta, using prompting questions in an interactive format to cultivate inspiration. The group is facilitated by Ayya Ahimsa who is a long-term practitioner and Dhamma enthusiast. You can join the group for free, and we will use English as the main language.
Contact Ayya