Our vision
The next stage in the life of our growing community is to turn this beautiful land in Granada into a fully donation based, ecological retreat centre and community home.
Nature has shown us how she would like this land to be used, with the forest leaving natural divides and clearings, creating three separate spaces each of which we will use in its own way.
The first of these spaces will be our community home, complete with a meditation hall, permaculture veggie garden, food forest, kitchen and dining hall, accommodation for our community managers and teachers, and a cozy main house for day visitors.
The second space, tucked away in a secluded clearing near the back of the land will be used for long-term retreat volunteers. These meditators will be expected to stay with us for a minimum of ten weeks, offering a few hours of voluntary work in the mornings, with afternoons and evenings free for meditation.
The third space will be used as a retreat centre in which our resident teachers and carefully selected visiting teachers will be invited to lead groups in silent retreat. The space will hold up to forty students and we look forward to hosting retreats from ten days to one month in length.
Whilst we acknowledge that this vision is already ambitious, we do not plan to stop here. We see the urgent need for spaces to be created to facilitate long-term deep meditation practice, and understand that what we will be able to offer in Granada will be limited by the physical capacity of the land. For this reason, our long-term vision is to create a second space at some nearby land in Almeria that we affectionately call Paradise.
Our intention for this land is that it be used only by experienced meditators for long-term deep practice. As this beautiful land is now fast desertifying, we also hope to use water retention landscaping and permaculture techniques to re-wild it and bring it back to life. In this way we aim to support the land as it supports us in our practice.
Our guiding mission across all of these spaces is to create conditions in which meditators can thrive, experiencing the full depth and beauty of the Budhha’s teachings. And, in accordance with our core values, we will be run entirely by dana, living in harmony with the natural environment, and in harmony with each other.